Call Routes

You can change or add call routes in the vocalos-node.xml. Leave the other configuration options in this file as they are, unless instructed to change it for tuning purposes later.

To change the call route:

1 As user excel, use an editor such as vi or emacs to edit the following file:


2 Search for the line <node name="routes"> and go to it.

<node name="routes">

<map />

<node name="Default Route">


<entry key="value" value=".*" />

<entry key="attribute" value="origination" />

<entry key="url" value="http://localhost:51080/vxml/audio/test-30sec.vxml" />

<entry key="priority" value="1" />

<entry key="language" value="vxml" />



3 To change the existing call route, enter a new value for the URL key.